I tend to hear it, whenever friends of mine snatch up a children's book off of the best-seller rack and scroll through the pages, only to find a catchy play on words that they feel they could have easily written themselves. So what then? What comes next? One would think that these friends would have then considered their discovery a beckon of light, or some mighty breeze of inspiration that was pushing them towards a new career, or, at least, that they would have consequently felt the urge to pull out their laptops and run into the creative corners of their mind. As for as the percentage goes, the vast majority of my friends,
I'd say maybe 99.9%, ignores the light, tends to fight against that breeze, tucks their laptops underneath their daily duties, and proudly dismisses their call to write under the very positive and entertaining excuse, "
I just don't have the time," or rather the ever popular,"
I have no clue where to start or where to go for advice, so why waste the precious minutes." Well though I consider excuses to be easy way outs for quitters, and haven't much of a reply to,
"I just don't have the time," or the desire to find one, within the terms of publishing, I have a very simple answer to the question, "
Where do I start?"
For a connection to the answer click on the link below.
What to send to a publisher?
Finding the right literary agent...
How to approach an agent?
Publishing your own book...
So true. A publisher once told me that writing the book is the easy part. I agreed, after careful consideration. Anyone can pen a book, only if people truly realized it. But as you stated...Then What?