Have you ever watched a movie and saw pieces of your life flash before your eyes? I'm not talking about one scene in a movie that mirrors a moment in time, but nearly an entire film (from the character's lines to their subtle actions and reactions). I thought for sure that when I watched "Love and basketball," that there would be no other movie that would come closer to running parallel to my life, but then came the "The Notebook." If you have never seen this movie, it is the tale of a rocky romance between two love struck youngsters whose opposite backgrounds attempts to foretell their futures. As for financial stability, she has it and he does not. As for heart, he has more than enough to give. Together, they feel invisible to everyone but each other.Unfortunately, the world's eyes bare down on them to the point that they adhere to other's perceptions. Consequently, cracks form in their relationship and begin to widen. Eventually, they are pulled apart and go their separate ways. Yet, neither person ever loses hope in their love, regardless of the relationships they hold after. Sure, when the two were together, they fought verbally quite often, but respectfully, with the reason that they weren't afraid to offend each other. They were convinced that their love could handle the honesty, the push to be better, and closer. They loved hard, since they didn't believe in holding a thing back. Their passion was undeniable and amazing.
So friends, can you believe I just watched this movie for the second time, and for the first time the tears began to roll? As for the first time, an Ex-boyfriend had actually called me up and suggested that I watch the film. He swore that the main characters were "He and I," and just the fact that he was calling me after all those years to talk about some movie that flashed "us" in good light enraged me. Of course, I pretended over the phone to be cool. I agreed to watch the movie. But with anger in my eyes, I couldn't see a thing. I missed "he and I" on that screen the first time around. I laugh now at the humor in it all. Like the movie, the lovers reach out for one another. They longed for the other's touch, embrace, and kiss. "It's not over," they breathed into the other's life. As for my reality, when my ex called me on the phone, I yearned to breathe the same words into his life. "It's not over," I wanted to say again and again. Instead, I focused on the fact that he was my ex for a reason. I then allowed my pride and stubbornness to swallow those three little words. Frankly, I must say, it was the most bitter-sweet meal that I've ever tasted.
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