Could we all stop chatting about Kanye West? After commenting on this topic, with the hope of getting others on my bandwagon to band Kanye from our mouths and social network write-ups, which deal with the Taylor Swift madness, I have planned to never again write a single word about him. You see, I am certain that this constant chatter, this consistent whirlwind, that circulates his name is pleasing him. Whether the feelings of the people towards him are negative, I think matters not to Kanye. What matters most to him, I am convinced, is that everyone knows his name.
And what has his last outburst done? As the world focuses on the shame he brought to Taylor Swift, it amazes me that the people aren't showering her with the attention that he stole from her. Instead, what has happened is exactly what Kanye wanted to happen. The people have poured their attention on him.
What people refuse to see in all of this madness is that Kanye is a marketing mastermind, who had learned early in his career that crashing can bring him amazing success. He understands that making an unsettling outburst on national TV will give him free press that is grander than any cover of any magazine or any primetime interview. And so, the man takes the shine from a talented young girl on stage, as if he was redirecting the limelight on Beyonce'. When all the time, he knew he was actually putting the spotlight on himself. He's not stupid! Kanye knew that night that he wasn't going to win an award, and that he wouldn't hit the stage unless he made such a disturbance. He understood that that night wasn't about him, but about Lady Gaga, Beyonce, M. Jackson, and a young country artist winning a VMA award; leaving him outstaged off stage. No way, he could handle that. His ego disallowed it, and the foundation of his career demanded his crack in sanity, in order to keep him among the biggest names in music.
So you see, continuing to write about him, leaves us (myself included as of now) playing in his hands. All Kanye pulled at the VMAs was a publicity stunt. At the end of the event, Kanye needed to hear his name lingering in the air, whether it came attached to applause or curse words. For of course, in show biz any publicity is good publicity.
Take this: I am convinced that K. West's comment about Bush hating Black people during the Katrina benefit was also a publicity stunt. It just so happen, that his words were what many people were thinking at the time. Therefore, his rudeness was considered a bold relief. But catch this, what if Kanye is really not a rude person at all? What if he's just playing this role of an out-of-control artist, in hopes that this music monster that he has created will transform him into the biggest superstar on earth? Maybe he's playing the role so well now that he's losing control of his own character. This is definitely, what I believe. Yet in the end, I think Kanye could care less if he loses himself, as long as he maintains "The Good Life," as he so eloquently put it in one of his rap songs.
So what if his outburst upsets people enough to match his rudeness and write and/say the most unflattering things about him. The man has proven that he cares less if people think he's rude. He only cares if people know his name, and if people buy his music. And the fact that he has now ever country music-lover, and pop follower, knowing who he is and, as the ultimate credit, has the President of the United States speaking his name, I'm certain that Kanye feels on a natural high. Therefore, we must stop it! We must smother the talk. We must kill all the chatter. This is the only thing that will upset Kanye, besides not buying his music.
But of course, people will. When his next record drops, I can envision millions of people packing the music stores; pushing and shoving in long lines, anxious to scan his new work across the register. And why? Because now that he has put himself on the biggest stage, and opened himself to the ears of every genre of music, I'm confident that Kanye is working beyond himself to produce chart topping hits that will force his haters to vote him on the stage. If not, we can all expect him to slide in someone else limelight and throw out another inappropriate and unsettling outburst into air that will once again have the people screaming his name.